Thursday, February 3, 2022

Is 2021 A Good Year For Pisces

Dynamic duos of all kinds are in focus for Leo as February begins. And if your lion heart catapulted straight to love mode just then you won't be disappointed. It's time to try a different approach and start living life on your terms, Leo.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Dynamic duos of all kinds are in focus for Leo as February begins

Set an intention to start afresh in a romance old or new on 1 February and you'll soon see the changes you've dreamt about in action. Things are looking up in every area of your life right now and even a relationship in freefall could activate its parachute in time for some Valentine's Day action. By 16 February's full moon in your sign you'll be ready to stop waiting for someone else to give you permission to do what you love most. But try not to dive in at the deep end of over-indulgence!

is 2021 a good year for pisces - And if your lion heart catapulted straight to love mode just then you wont be disappointed

Your party spirit is the stuff of legend but a health kick you began in January really could transform your world if you let it. Expect Pisces season to bring a love in of epic proportions your way, along with some positive financial news. You feel your best when you're living it large so think big with everything you do and you won't go far wrong this month.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Its time to try a different approach and start living life on your terms

You may find yourself healing from the wounds of past relationships this year. Jupiter will be in your sun sign from May until July, and this visitor may come with lucky shifts in your love and personal life. Thomas says that in August and September, single pisces may find serious partners, while those already in romantic relationships could end up becoming engaged or wed. February begins with a new moon in your domestic fourth house inviting you to set goals related to your home or family life this month. And if that feels like the last thing you want to think about right now – two years of domestic ups and downs will do that to a scorpion – don't despair. There's plenty of forward motion in the skies right now and more than enough to take you exactly where you want to be this time round.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Set an intention to start afresh in a romance old or new on 1 February and youll soon see the changes youve dreamt about in action

It might even feel like your love life is missing in action when the 16 February full moon focuses attention on your work schedule and career goals. Luckily Pisces season has got your back bringing romance, good times and serious flirtation to the table from the 18 February. Leave the past where it belongs and step into the next phase of your life with confidence. You're headed in exactly the right direction and you'll soon see why. During the spring, your ruling planet Jupiter will move into dreamy Pisces, lighting up your emotional life and bringing comfort and good fortune to your living situation. If you want to make a move in love, today's the day to shoot your shot and build something long lasting.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Things are looking up in every area of your life right now and even a relationship in freefall could activate its parachute in time for some Valentines Day action

This rare and lucky aspect launches you into a new relationship cycle that can bring much-welcome fresh energy to your love life and re-invigorate your creativity when it comes to passion projects. You'll be bursting with inspiratio and romance, making life feel super exciting and ensuring that pleasure and romance are waiting for you around every corner. Take advantage of this creative boost as you usher in a new cycle. You're on it, at it and all over it as Aquarius season hits its stride this month, Libra. And it all kicks off on the 1 February with a new moon in your fun times fifth house.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - By 16 Februarys full moon in your sign youll be ready to stop waiting for someone else to give you permission to do what you love most

Creative projects, party plans and casual flirtations all look lit for you right now so follow your heart wherever it leads you this month. If a slow January has left you feeling lacklustre in more ways than one, February's cosmic forward motion should be the tonic you need to shake it off and start over. The 16 February full moon in your social eleventh house brings invitations, new connections and a feeling of belonging your way. There could be a magical meeting of minds on the cards for you as the month plays out – possibly as soon as Valentine's Day.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - But try not to dive in at the deep end of over-indulgence

When Pisces season rolls into town on 18 February you could feel called to knuckle down and work on a side hustle or passion project you've had waiting in the wings for a while. Doing something you truly love could bring next-level success your way in 2022, Libra. A January health kick that didn't quite get off the ground is ready for a reboot before the month ends too. You started strong in 2022 and the only way is up from now on. Keep pushing ahead on that big idea, work project or health goal and know that there's some seriously positive forward motion on your side right now. Start the month as you mean to go on by setting a goal related to work or wellbeing on the 1 February new moon.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Your party spirit is the stuff of legend but a health kick you began in January really could transform your world if you let it

And expect confirmation that you're on the right track before the first week of February is out. Romantic bliss might escape you this Valentine's Day – whose idea was it to make it a Monday? – but there's definitely action ahead in your love life. A powerful full moon in your healing twelfth house urges you to put an unhealthy habit or past hurt behind you around the 16 February. Do so and you'll be glad you did when Pisces season ramps things up in your relationship zone.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Expect Pisces season to bring a love in of epic proportions your way

Your star is rising in 2022 and not every relationship is going to go the distance. Friends, colleagues and lovers that can't handle the idea that it's your time to shine might well fall by the wayside as February plays out. There's magic in the air for Aquarius this month, starting with a fresh start new moon in your sign on 1 February. If 2022 got off to a slower start than you'd like, now's the ideal time to switch gears, make plans and set your intentions for the months to come. Who do you want to be on your next spin around the sun? You don't need an excuse to invest in Project You, Aquarius, but birthday season makes a damned good one.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - You feel your best when youre living it large so think big with everything you do and you wont go far wrong this month

Buy the outfit, book the trip, do the workshop, read the books and tune in to your intuition. Your one-liners should be on form this Valentine's Day when communication planet Mercury heads into your sign. There's also action ahead for your love life around the 16 February full moon. It powers up your relationship zone, urging you to follow your heart regardless of what others might think. An energy shift as Pisces season begins urges you to know your worth, Aquarius.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - You may find yourself healing from the wounds of past relationships this year

You've got big plans for the year ahead and no time for game playing. Another major theme in 2022 will be around your personal life and relationships. Both periods could bring old flames back into your life, so if you're eager to rekindle something, do so in 2022!

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Jupiter will be in your sun sign from May until July

Powerful turning points around your friendships and love life are guaranteed to come throughout the year though, as you'll experience fated events around your friendships. Some Cancers will meet and fall in love with soulmates this year or even hear news of a pregnancy. If you spent January doubting, questioning or embroiled in a discussion about where a relationship is headed, February's forward-motion vibe is going to feel like a massive relief.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Thomas says that in August and September

The month kicks off with a new moon on 1 February, inviting you to focus on the projects, people and ideas that matter to you most. It might not feel that way at the moment, but this really is your year, Cancer! Expect positive news in the first half of the month regarding a passion project, inheritance or long lost lover. If you're ready to blow caution to the wind in life, love and hot Valentine's Day action, the cosmos has definitely got your back.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - February begins with a new moon in your domestic fourth house inviting you to set goals related to your home or family life this month

Let go of limiting beliefs related to self-worth around the 16 February full moon, and you'll soon see the benefit of creating space in your life. Just because you've always put someone else's dreams before your own doesn't mean that's your only option, Cancer. By Pisces season , you could find yourself embarking on a quest for knowledge and adventure.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - And if that feels like the last thing you want to think about right now  two years of domestic ups and downs will do that to a scorpion  dont despair

Book the retreat, plan the trip, fall down a research rabbit hole and don't emerge for days… The thing that fascinates you has the power to change the way you live and work in 2022. And someone you thought could never change might surprise you as the month plays out. Work might feel like it's taking over your life as February begins, but you're also finally getting somewhere. You've been working towards this for a long time, Taurus, so don't even think about giving up or changing directions while the going is good.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Theres plenty of forward motion in the skies right now and more than enough to take you exactly where you want to be this time round

Keep powering forwards and use the energy of the 1 February new moon to set your next big career goal. Anything is possible for you in 2022 just as long as you believe you deserve it. And yes, that also applies to a love affair you'd like to take to the next level this Valentine's Day.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - It might even feel like your love life is missing in action when the 16 February full moon focuses attention on your work schedule and career goals

On 16 February, the full moon falls in your home and family zone, shedding light on a tricky personal situation that's been brushed under the carpet for too long. If there's something you need to leave behind before you can truly step into your future, it's time to take action. You've got the momentum you need to change your life now, Taurus.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Luckily Pisces season has got your back bringing romance

There's no time like the present to make space for the best kind of miracle. In 2021, this auspicious conjunction is taking place in your sign, Aries, which is bestowing you with the luck of love and making your birthday season extra special. "Love is a splendid thing as the Venus Star Point aligns with your sun, starting a whole new romantic journey in matters of the heart," astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Leave the past where it belongs and step into the next phase of your life with confidence

What Is The Lucky Color For Pisces In 2022 Expect to feel butterflies in your stomach, in a good way. This potent alignment during your birthday season helps you mesh your shadow side with your external self, making it possible to turn your pain into rich inspiration that can transform you. An added boost of energy comes from fiery Mars in your sign, which is forming another harmonious sextile with love planet Venus. This flirty aspect will bring an added dose of both passion and pleasure to your endeavors today, making it a perfect day to chase after any and all of your personal goals. For the natives of Pisces zodiac sign, year 2021 seems to bring mixed results in terms of money, wealth and finance.

What Is The Lucky Color For Pisces In 2022

This year, Lord Saturn will be posited in the eleventh house of your kundli, which leads to the formation of permanent sources of income for you. This will keep your financial condition stable throughout the year. As a result, there will be a rise in your expenses between these months, which can also cause you mental stress. Yearly Horoscope 2021 reading for Pisces natives reveals that the Lord of your zodiac is sitting in the house of profit this year and in Saturn's house with the Sun's nakshatra and Saturn.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - During the spring

This year will create a different definition of profit for you. There will be a lot of prosperity in wealth, family and health. You have to prove yourself as a leader in areas of family and wealth. The Piscean will also see great prosperity and happiness when it comes to vehicles, homes and prosperity, this year you will be able to buy a favourite house and vehicle. For those who are having an affair, there can be many ups and downs. As per Horoscope 2021, The happiness of marital life is also growing, while there is strong growth in the business sector.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - If you want to make a move in love

This year is going to be the best for jobs, education, acting, art and fashion. New sources of profit are being found and there is a good investment opportunity. The year 2021 is clearly showing good progress in your professional life. The year will start in a good way and you will be in a strong position in your career.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - This rare and lucky aspect launches you into a new relationship cycle that can bring much-welcome fresh energy to your love life and re-invigorate your creativity when it comes to passion projects

Your rights and responsibilities will also increase which will increase your dominance. You will get the full fledged support of the people working with you this year and they will help you. Because of this, you will also be able to perform well in your job. In the middle of the year, you may have to do some travelling in connection with the job, through which you will be able to prove your efficiency. Some people may get the opportunity to go abroad and for this, the month of December will be suitable. During this time, there are also signs of job changes.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - You

If you want to change jobs, the month of December can help you in this matter. The two benefic planets are aligning in your favor today, boosting your pleasure to new heights and bringing you a love-story-esque romance of epic proportions. And with lucky Jupiter in your house of dating and creativity, you'll be capable of succeeding at anything that brings you joy today. As the month progresses, on December 18 there is an impactful Full Moon in Gemini. The Gemini Moon will be centered in this area of your life, while the bright Sagittarius sun will be in your house of career, along with the action planet Mars and the karmic South Node.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Take advantage of this creative boost as you usher in a new cycle

You can feel your focus move towards family, your home, and private sanctuary, especially around the holidays. For many of you, your professional world could take a back seat, or you could be faced with an important professional decision, choosing what's emotionally right for you. If you feel that it is taking a long time to find a suitable partner then keep looking and do not get impatient. Certain encounters of 2021 are definitely going to change your life immensely.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Youre on it

As it is going to be a year that brings about drastic changes in love life so be in touch with your deeper emotions that will help you develop romantic relationships with ease. Sometimes it might seem difficult to control emotions that might make you stressed. The last major theme to recognize in 2022 is your personal life and relationships. The beginning of the year could reconnect you with important people, especially around your family. However, from May to October, you'll find that you're favored in all unions, commitments, marriage and partnerships.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - And it all kicks off on the 1 February with a new moon in your fun times fifth house

Single Libras could find a soulmate, while those in existing unions could make long-term plans. Keep your head on straight, put energy into whatever you desire and know that 2022 could bring you what you seek. On a professional front, it is clear that you're stepping more into your power and rising higher than ever before.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - Creative projects

You're being groomed for greatness and could have significant opportunities for wealth, recognition or even fame. However, be prepared to put in the work because it won't be easy — though you have the strength and tenacity within you to achieve everything you're after! A great deal of the year will also focus on your personal life, too, as you are surrounded with opportunities for romance and laughter with those who you love. Your social circle will thrive greatly as you become more involved with groups. Your internal world is transforming this year, making your professional endeavors take a backseat to your personal life. The eclipses in May and December will push you to give more attention than ever to your home and family.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - If a slow January has left you feeling lacklustre in more ways than one

When Jupiter aligns with your Sun sign from May 13th to July 28th and then again on December 28th, you will be able to attain success in all interpersonal relationships. This will help you thrive during the turbulence of eclipse season in the spring. Most of which you aren't necessarily ready for, but will have to make.

is 2021 a good year for pisces - The 16 February full moon in your social eleventh house brings invitations

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